The Purple Roses in a Vase 3D Crystal Puzzle is sure to brighten up any room. This stunning bouquet of six delicate long-stem purple roses comes with its own clear vase. It is a sleek, translucent, crystalline puzzle that is enjoyable to work on, challenging to complete, and beautiful to display. When you've pieced it together (be ready for a challenge), you'll want to present it to a sweetheart! This lovely design will brighten the spirits of all who see it. Original 3D Crystal Puzzles are among the most challenging, perplexing, and fun puzzles you will build. Each puzzle contains uniquely interlocking, colorful, transparent 3-dimensional puzzle pieces with step-by-step puzzle solutions available online for extra help with more difficult puzzles. For 1 player, ages 12+ Made in China Product dimensions: 5.75 x 3.75 x 1.875 inches Product weight: 0.4 pounds Product contents include: 47 Crystal Puzzle Pieces, Instructions